A Beautiful Living

A mother of two, wife, historian, and communicator. I write about and am passionate about real, authentic life. Like any ordinary person trying to find meaning in everything. In a restless world where we need love, community, and connection more than ever before, I want to share about what is closest to my heart; the many nuances of motherhood. And the experience of becoming and being a mother.

I want to write about being human, and having human experiences in this time we live in. I live in Norway, in an old farmhouse from 1870, with our two children. I crave a slower life, and peacefulness. I crave being at peace, working towards a life where acceptance and love is the norm, where we can build a better world bit for bit. I fully believe that the world needs maternal love to be more peaceful and better. To get there, we need to start loving our planet and each other more.

I want to normalize experiencing the ups and downs of life, and humanize what has previously been taboo. Since my first blog in 2009, I have tried to put into words what is difficult and elusive to understand. The invisible processes that we feel, but that language does not fully capture. Motherhood is a patchwork of such processes. But so is life.

On my blog you will find reflections on my life, and my attempt to find meaning in everything. Life can be really hard. But it can also be beautiful.

I hope you’ll find it inspiring.



Pensumet er tungt å fordøye. Mye teori og tunge begreper. Eller, kanskje er det ikke tungt? Det er bare jeg som får solskinn i fjeset og heller vil sette meg i solveggen. En solrik lunsj ble det iallefall i dag. Noe jeg har lagd før: bakt appelsin med honning og kanel på yoghurt med nøtteblanding. Jeg får liksom bare lyst til å spise det på våren. Kanskje fordi appelsin minner meg om påske eller om solen som endelig tittet frem bak fjellet, hjemme i nord. I dag kommer H hjem fra jobb på sørlandet, og jeg skal støvsuge og vaske gulvene her hjemme. For guri malla så denne hunden vår røyter! Vårrøyt i februar? Global oppvarming tuller med våre biologiske funksjoner. Men jeg sier ikke neitakk til sol og litt bar bakke. Jeg blir aldri helt vant til å ha så mye sol mellom november og februar at jeg glemmer hvordan det var å leve i mørket i disse tidene. Sangtips til deg i dag: RY X - Berlin. Ha en fin, solrik tirsdag!