A Beautiful Living

Welcome to A Beautiful Living! 🌿 I'm a mother of two, wife, historian, and communicator, living in Norway in an old farmhouse from 1870. Here, I celebrate slow living, rural life, and the journey of matrescence. Like any ordinary person, I'm trying to find meaning in everything. In a restless world where we need love, community, and connection more than ever before, I share about what's closest to my heart: the many nuances of motherhood and the experience of becoming and being a mother. I believe in a slower life, where acceptance and love are the norm, and where we can build a better world bit by bit. Since my first blog in 2009, I've tried to put into words what is difficult and elusive to understand, humanizing what has previously been taboo. Motherhood is a patchwork of such processes. On my blog and Instagram (@amongthemeadows), you'll find reflections on my life, embracing the ups and downs, and finding beauty in everyday moments in the tranquil meadows of Norway. Let's spread maternal love and make the world a more peaceful and better place together.

Awakening Of The Soul

Awakening Of The Soul

The midnight sun does not exist where I live. It lives above the Arctic Circle, where the mountains plunge into the sea and envelop you like a great embrace deep in a fjord. Or at the outermost edge of the widest ocean expanse. Out there where salty droplets touches your face as the tide crashes against the rocks, and the sea has the power to pull you out with its wet muscles. The midnight sun exists up there where people still live in harmony with nature. There's no in-between with the sun above the Arctic Circle. Either it stands above the horizon, demanding attention around the clock, or it disappears completely, replaced by the Northern Lights and total darkness. I could never quite find my place above the Arctic Circle, but I miss the mighty forces I witnessed throughout my upbringing. Down here in Southern Norway we have milder climates, dark summer nights, and warmer weather. The landscape is flatter and less dramatic, but it's also beautiful in its own unique way. The fjords don't have towering alpine mountains, but rather low skerries. And the sun sets on the horizon, but before it does the sunsets kiss us goodbye with it’s warm light. Amogst the lush green woods. I photographed this sunset in June last year. And soon, I can photograph the same soft sunsets again. This humble, warm farewell to a beautiful day. Whenever spring returns, it feels like my soul is awakening again. I feel reborn.

“When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest” - Ernest Hemingway

“When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest” - Ernest Hemingway

Two Years!

Two Years!