A Beautiful Living

Welcome to A Beautiful Living! 🌿 I'm a mother of two, wife, historian, and communicator, living in Norway in an old farmhouse from 1870. Here, I celebrate slow living, rural life, and the journey of matrescence. Like any ordinary person, I'm trying to find meaning in everything. In a restless world where we need love, community, and connection more than ever before, I share about what's closest to my heart: the many nuances of motherhood and the experience of becoming and being a mother. I believe in a slower life, where acceptance and love are the norm, and where we can build a better world bit by bit. Since my first blog in 2009, I've tried to put into words what is difficult and elusive to understand, humanizing what has previously been taboo. Motherhood is a patchwork of such processes. On my blog and Instagram (@amongthemeadows), you'll find reflections on my life, embracing the ups and downs, and finding beauty in everyday moments in the tranquil meadows of Norway. Let's spread maternal love and make the world a more peaceful and better place together.

Tuesday contemplating

Tuesday contemplating


These last couple of days has been really wonderful. It's been one of those days where I've really embraced this season and all that comes with it. And I've felt so grateful. So thankful for what we have and everyone we know and love. We've been social, done practical stuff that needed to be done, got ourselves a new car (finally!), been out for walks, made traditional Norwegian dishes that really made me nostalgic and made me miss my family and my father. Yes, I've felt so good and so content. But still, I have this feeling of something's missing. Like there's a hole there that needs to be filled. The longing of a bigger family, a secure job where I get to use my education, a finished masters thesis and a home that's out on the country side. Still, I try not to be one of those people who feels that "I can get happy when I get these and those things.." Like happiness and security comes from having things. Or that happiness is something that always lies in the future. So I try to constantly remind myself of being in the present. To enjoy the moments, even though I dont have everything I long for right now. I trust the process and truly believe that everything will come at the right moment. Until then, I need to be grateful for everything I have right now. And I do. Right now I'm grateful for the quiet moments I get at home once in a while, sitting beside a crackling fireplace with a warm cup of tea. And with this seasons playlist is the background. I make a new one for every season. 

The little things are the biggest ones. 

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
― Oprah Winfrey


Our wedding pt.1: Preparations

Our wedding pt.1: Preparations

På jakt etter skogens gull

På jakt etter skogens gull