All tagged Autumn

Tuesday contemplating

These last couple of days has been really wonderful. It's been one of those days where I've really embraced this season and all that comes with it. And I've felt so grateful. So thankful for what we have and everyone we know and love. We've been social, done practical stuff that needed to be done, got ourselves a new car (finally!), been out for walks, made traditional Norwegian dishes that really made me nostalgic and made me miss my family and my father. Yes, I've felt so good and so content. But still, I have this feeling of something's missing.

På jakt etter skogens gull

Jeg er vokst opp med at bærplukking hører høsten til, og at fryseren er stappfull av skogens skatter året rundt. Kjøpesyltetøy? Hva er det? Det var ikke før flere år etter jeg flyttet hjemmefra at jeg kjøpte blåbær- og tyttebærsyltetøy på butikken for første gang. Nå skal det sies at jeg var en mer ivrig bærspiser enn plukker. Og som barn var turer i skogen noe av det verste jeg visste. Av uante grunner. Denne lysten har blitt større med årene.

The slow autumn list

We came back from our honeymoon yesterday. To a much colder, but yet a very beautiful Norway. The colour palette is different, but just as beautiful as it was a few months ago when the landscape was in full bloom. And as a new season is upon us, I get the feeling of a new beginning. What do I want to fill this season with? The answer is very simple: nothing